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5 Irrigation Solutions For Sloped Yards

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If your yard has a single slope or multiple slopes in it, then you may face several irrigation problems. For example, water may run down the hills in your yard, leaving the plants at the top without enough water and making the valleys in your yard saturated with water, over-watering plants and causing mud problems. Over time, this can cause erosion issues. Additionally, slopes can make it difficult for a traditional irrigation systems to cover each area of your yard evenly. Below are five irrigation solutions you might consider if you have significant slopes in your yard. 

Contour Your Land To Prevent Erosion

Your first option to avoid puddling at the bottom of your slopes and erosion along the side of your slope is to contour your land to prevent erosion. This generally consists of building mounds and swales perpendicular to the flow of water. A swale is an area where you dig out the ground, making a low point in the slope. A mound is raised earth, making a high point. A mound should be placed just after each swale. Each swale will catch some of your water as it flows towards the bottom of your slope, allowing the water to seep into the ground at that point instead of continuing towards the bottom. This can even out your water distribution. 

If you are using mounds and swales to control erosion, you may want to install a watering method just below each mound, making the area between the mounds into individual irrigation sections. 

Plant Plants According to Your Slope 

Plants can help prevent erosion because they slow the flow of water and their roots help hold soil in place. However, for your plants to thrive, they need to be planted according to your slope. Your plants that need the least amount of water should be planted towards the top of your slope while plants that need the most amount of water should be planted towards the bottom of your slope or within the curve of a swale. This will allow your plants to take root and flourish while they help limit your irrigation problems. 

Create a Pond at a Low Point 

If drainage is an issue during the rainy season, then you might want to create a pond at the lowest section of your yard. By creating drainage routes to your pond, you can dry out the rest of your yard for better growth of diverse plants. You can then use either a drip or surface irrigation system to water the rest of your yard without worrying about over-watering and causing a bog in your yard. 

Use Drip Irrigation to Control Your Water Placement 

If you have steep slopes in your yard, you will almost certainly need a drip irrigation system as opposed to a sprinkler system. Drip irrigation systems allow you to control the flow and placement of the water more precisely. This will allow you to get the right amount of water to the top of your slope without saturating the bottom of your slope. You should consult a professional to determine the best placement and flow-rates for your particular yard. 

Use Low-flow Sprinklers to Control Water Absorption 

If you do not want to use a drip irrigation system, you should consider low-flow sprinklers. Low-flow sprinklers provide water to an area more slowly than traditional sprinklers. This gives time for water to sink into the soil as opposed to running down the slope to the bottom of your hill. Low-flow sprinklers can help you keep more water on top of your hills and in your soil. 

If you have a sloped yard, it is important that you consider your irrigation carefully. Otherwise, you run the risk of having both dry and wet spots in your yard. The above solutions can help you create a lush, even yard. For more information, contact an irrigation system installation service.
